He gives power to the weak, And to those who have no might He increases strength.

Isaiah 40:29 (NIV)


Are you a survivor of Human Trafficking? Or, do you know someone who has experienced sexual trauma? Are you looking for an opportunity to begin your healing journey?

This 9-week journey is designed for girls and women coming out of trafficking and traumas. Restore starts each class with exercise, followed by a curriculum and discussion taking us on a restoration journey.

siHi was featured in an article on Faith and Fitness

We developed stepping into His image (siHi) to help you see yourself as Christ views you – “Made in His image” and “wonderfully made."

Soul | Strength | Sound Mind

Transformation of how we see ourselves starts one step at a time…




Ask Us About Upcoming Classes!

You have the opportunity to help women step into restoration.

Your gift helps her receive the physical, emotional and spiritual motivation she needs.